Great Western Malting produces a wide range of high quality products at both our Vancouver, WA and Pocatello, ID plants.  All bulk malts are produced from quality assured Western grown US barley.  With our experienced barley field staff and established barley contracting programs in five states, our diverse barley origination capabilities help to ensure a stable supply of high quality barley.

From our malt plants in Vancouver, WA, and Pocatello, ID, Great Western Malting produces malt for leading brewers and distillers and a number of export markets. Our customers include craft brewers and distillers, as well as large national and international brewers.

Great Western Malting malt plants have the capability to load railcars, trucks and oceangoing containers. From our malting plants and rail transload facilities in California, Arizona, Texas, and Indiana, we can service brewers and distillers all over the western United States.