UPDATED: March 26, 2020
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) COVID – 19
Operating as an Essential Business in Idaho
With the recent COVID-19 developments we are receiving questions from our customers and suppliers as to whether we qualify as an essential business and expect to operate. In consultation with our external legal counsel we have reviewed Local, State and Federal guidelines and state executive orders to determine whether we may continue to operate our facilities. This is done to adhere to the strictest guidance in protecting the health and well being of our employees and customers.
Our legal counsel has confirmed that we may continue to operate under Idaho’s “Order to Self Isolate for the State of Idaho” as an essential business in the critical Food and Agriculture sector. We expect and have communicated such guidelines to all of our key supply partners who have acknowledged their compliance with the same.
In addition to qualifying as an essential business under Idaho’s order, the following Federal Guidance is applicable to how we are operating.
1. Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21) designates the food and agriculture sector as a critical infrastructure sector whose assets, systems, and networks are considered so vital that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health, or safety.
2. The President’s Coronavirus Guidance published on March 16, 2020 instructs employees of Critical Infrastructure Industries, such as the food and agriculture sector, to maintain normal work patterns during the global coronavirus outbreak.
3. This document certifies that this vehicle is transporting a shipment of food and agricultural products within a sector that has been designated as critical infrastructure, the continued operation of which is vital for security, national economic security, national public health, and safety.
4. Accordingly, it is appropriate in light of the President’s Coronavirus Guidance to allow this shipment to proceed in the federal interests of protecting the nation’s food supply chain.
We are providing this letter to our key supply partners so they are assured we continue to operate safely and responsibly.
Should circumstances change, we will provide updates as available.
Mike O’Toole
Great Western Malting
UPDATED: March 24, 2020
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) COVID – 19
Operating as an Essential Business in Washington
With the recent COVID-19 developments we are receiving questions from our customers and suppliers as to whether we qualify as an essential business and expect to operate. In consultation with our external legal counsel we have reviewed Local, State and Federal guidelines and state executive orders to determine whether we may continue to operate our facilities. This is done to adhere to the strictest guidance in protecting the health and well being of our employees and customers.
Our legal counsel has confirmed that we may continue to operate under Washington’s “Stay Home” Executive Order 20-25 as an essential business in the critical Food and Agriculture sector. Pursuant to that Washington order, in operating our facilities we can also confirm that we have established and are implementing social distancing and sanitation measures consistent with the guidelines established by the United States Department of Labor’s Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 at https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3990.pdf and the Washington State Department of Health Workplace and Employer Resources & Recommendations at https://www.doh.wa.gov/Coronavirus/workplace. We expect and have communicated such guidelines to all of our key supply partners who have acknowledged their compliance with the same.
In addition to qualifying as an essential business under Washington’s order, the following Federal Guidance is applicable to how we are operating.
1. Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21) designates the food and agriculture sector as a critical infrastructure sector whose assets, systems, and networks are considered so vital that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health, or safety.
2. The President’s Coronavirus Guidance published on March 16, 2020 instructs employees of Critical Infrastructure Industries, such as the food and agriculture sector, to maintain normal work patterns during the global coronavirus outbreak.
3. This document certifies that this vehicle is transporting a shipment of food and agricultural products within a sector that has been designated as critical infrastructure, the continued operation of which is vital for security, national economic security, national public health, and safety.
4. Accordingly, it is appropriate in light of the President’s Coronavirus Guidance to allow this shipment to proceed in the federal interests of protecting the nation’s food supply chain.
We are providing this letter to our key supply partners so they are assured we continue to operate safely and responsibly.
Should circumstances change, we will provide updates as available.
Mike O’Toole
Great Western Malting
UPDATED: March 24, 2020
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) COVID – 19
Operating as an Essential Business in Oregon
With the recent COVID-19 developments we are receiving questions from our customers and suppliers as to whether we qualify as an essential business and expect to operate. In consultation with our external legal counsel we have reviewed Local, State and Federal guidelines and state executive orders to determine whether we may continue to operate our facilities. This is done to adhere to the strictest guidance in protecting the health and well being of our employees and customers.
Our legal counsel has confirmed that we may continue to operate under the State of Oregon Executive Order No. 20-12, which only requires certain businesses to close. Our facilities are not within the enumerated list of retail facilities and other businesses that must close. Executive Order No. 20-07 only prohibits the on-premises consumption of food and drink and restaurants, bars, taverns, and other similar establishments can continue to provide take-out or delivery service. In consultation with legal counsel we have made the determination that that our facilities can continue to operate in Oregon under the current executive orders.
In operating our facilities we can also confirm that we have established and are implementing the social distancing and sanitation measures consistent with the guidelines established by the United States Department of Labor’s Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 at https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3990.pdf and the Oregon Health Authority at https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/le2266.pdf. We expect and have communicated such guidelines to all of our key supply partners who have acknowledged their compliance with the same.
In addition to not falling within the list of businesses that must close under Oregon’s Executive order, the following Federal Guidance is applicable to how we are operating.
1. Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21) designates the food and agriculture sector as a critical infrastructure sector whose assets, systems, and networks are considered so vital that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health, or safety.
2. The President’s Coronavirus Guidance published on March 16, 2020 instructs employees of Critical Infrastructure Industries, such as the food and agriculture sector, to maintain normal work patterns during the global coronavirus outbreak.
3. This document certifies that this vehicle is transporting a shipment of food and agricultural products within a sector that has been designated as critical infrastructure, the continued operation of which is vital for security, national economic security, national public health, and safety.
4. Accordingly, it is appropriate in light of the President’s Coronavirus Guidance to allow this shipment to proceed in the federal interests of protecting the nation’s food supply chain.
We are providing this letter to our key supply partners so they are assured we continue to operate safely and responsibly.
Should circumstances change, we will provide updates as available.
Mike O’Toole
Great Western Malting
UPDATED: March 24, 2020
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) COVID – 19
Operating as an Essential Business in California
With the recent COVID-19 developments we are receiving questions from our customers and suppliers as to whether we qualify as an essential business and expect to operate. In consultation with our external legal counsel we have reviewed Local, State and Federal guidelines and state executive orders to determine whether we may continue to operate our facilities. This is done to adhere to the strictest guidance in protecting the health and well being of our employees and customers.
Our legal counsel has confirmed that we may continue to operate under California’s Stay Home executive Order No. N-33-20 as an essential business in the critical Food and Agriculture sector. Pursuant to that California order, in operating our facilities we can also confirm that we have established and are implementing social distancing and sanitation measures established by the United States Department of Labor’s Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 at https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3990.pdf. We expect and have communicated such guidelines to all of our key supply partners who have acknowledged their compliance with the same.
In addition to qualifying as an essential business under California’s order, the following Federal Guidance is applicable to how we are operating.
1. Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21) designates the food and agriculture sector as a critical infrastructure sector whose assets, systems, and networks are considered so vital that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health, or safety.
2. The President’s Coronavirus Guidance published on March 16, 2020 instructs employees of Critical Infrastructure Industries, such as the food and agriculture sector, to maintain normal work patterns during the global coronavirus outbreak.
3. This document certifies that this vehicle is transporting a shipment of food and agricultural products within a sector that has been designated as critical infrastructure, the continued operation of which is vital for security, national economic security, national public health, and safety.
4. Accordingly, it is appropriate in light of the President’s Coronavirus Guidance to allow this shipment to proceed in the federal interests of protecting the nation’s food supply chain.
We are providing this letter to our key supply partners so they are assured we continue to operate safely and responsibly.
Should circumstances change, we will provide updates as available.
Mike O’Toole
Great Western Malting
UPDATED: March 19, 2020
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) COVID – 19
Customers Severely Impact by On Premise Closures
With the recent COVID-19 developments we are receiving questions from our customers around how we intend to support those who have been severely impacted with closures to their on premise sales outlets. These would typically involve brewers whose primary revenue stream comes from taprooms, brew pubs or restaurants. This memo hopefully provides some clarity around how we intend to work together during the COVID-19 situation.
Our near focus and efforts have been around assuring employees and customers about our intent to continue operating safely and adhering to rapidly changing directives from public health and governance directives / guidelines. We are operating our facilities and getting our staff to work remotely during the current situation and working through various contingency planning. Likewise, we currently are continuing to work with our growers to get seed and plant barley for malting and brewing requirements in the future.
As we work through the situation, we remain committed to all of our customers and will work through this situation with them. We have enjoyed close and long working relationships and want to continue in that regard. Along those lines we are prepared to work with customers. This is being done on a case by case basis and as such would ask you to work with us in advising us of your needs and what support we can lend in this situation. Please reach out to your sales representative or team as needed during this time.
Should circumstances change, we will provide updates as available.
Mike O’Toole
Great Western Malting
March 17, 2020
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) COVID – 19
With the recent COVID-19 developments, we continue to receive questions from our customers around our intent to operate. In this regard, our commitment remains fairly firm and straightforward. We expect to continue to operate and meet our contractual supply agreements with all of our customers subject to regulatory and health and safety guidelines in operating responsibly and protecting our people and will continue to do so.
We have no concerns around our barley supply having contracted access to our barley through October and working toward contracting our barley with farmers for the 2020 crop.
We continue to communicate and work with our transportation and support service providers and have not seen a disruption, nor are we aware of any planned interruption to service.
We have seen in other regions some governmental agencies, such as San Francisco, ordering a shelter in place order for all services not deemed essential. While we have no such order in the areas we operate, we are looking to define how such an order would impact our ability to continue operating. We intend to continue operating as long as we can while keeping our people safe and not at risk.
Should circumstances change, we will provide updates as available.
Mike O’Toole
Great Western Malting